Many effective leaders are shaped by faithfully following the lead of another. Joshua spent 40 years as an associate before leading one of the most notable accomplishments recorded in scripture. He kept his focus;
he remained a faithful steward of another man's vision. The vision to conquer the Promised Land did not originate in the heart of Joshua. He was merely called to be a faithful steward of another man's vision. Moses experienced the burning bush and received God's call to lead the children of Israel into their new future;
Joshua's task was to help bring that vision into fruition. Jesus said it like this, “And if you have not been faithful in the use of that which is another's, who will give you that which is your own?" (Luke 16:12)
When God told us that we would be moving to La Paz, he put in our hearts the desire to come to serve Denny and Danette Taylor. I can’t begin to tell you how amazing these people are. Before we left, I wasn’t exactly clear on what that looks like or why God was telling us to do that, but thought it was a good idea to be obedient. Now, we can’t see ourselves doing anything different. The Taylors have deep wells of wisdom that we have not even experienced yet. They have so much to offer and we are grateful that God made a way for us to serve them and their vision. We are learning so much from them. They make “serving” them very fun, easy, and the best life in the world. We are excited to be partnering with them in transforming the nations.
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