Hola!! We made it here safe and sound. After staying up all night packing and cleaning up the old house we crammed almost everything into places it shouldn’t have fit. Ditched a couple loads in storage for next time, shot a couple “Five Hour Energy’s” and hit the freeway. Fortunately we got to recuperate in Loma Linda with family for a few days before crossing the border. It was a VERY long trip from Tijuana to here though, Approx. 1000 miles from the border to La Paz. It was a miracle in itself that we weren’t harassed at the border for having a van and trailer packed full of electronics and such. Many times you have to pay tax on something if it appears “new.”
Our kids were INCREDIBLE!! We were in the car for two days. The DVD player was a life saver. There was the occasional bickering, but for the most part they were awesome! As we were driving through desert land, Dylan kept repeating “We’re in the middle of nowhere!!” and of coarse the resounding... “ARE WE THERE YET??” It was an experience– one that we’ll take every six months! We have to come out of the country every six months because of the type of
visas we have.
As we were driving somewhere in the desert between here and Tijuana, Jessica was having a conversation with the Lord. She was asking Him if we made the right choice and if He could let her know that we did. She said, “Lord, can you just show me a rainbow or something?” Shortly after this as we were coming over the mountain, there was not only a rainbow, but THREE!! It was AWESOME!! Needless to say we will no longer ask that question. Apparently rainbows are rare in that place.
It’s usually scorching hot down here this time of year but for some strange reason it has been rather cool. Some nights we just leave the windows open and let the breeze come through. The base has a beautiful orchard with cocoanuts, mangos, dates and citrus. A perfect trade off for the cockroaches, scorpions, ants and lizards in the house. We have been unpacking, settling in and getting organized. We’re trying to learn the ropes around here and where everything is located. Grocery shopping is a little different here and the pace of life is A LOT slower. We’re gonna take the rest of this month to adjust, adapt and spend time as a family before the official “ministry stuff” starts. Should be a very fun, exciting, busy year here! We’re still overly excited and have high expectations for a great move of God.
Thanks so much again for all of your support, whether it is prayer or financial. We know we are exactly where God wants us!
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