We made it through a long night of air travel and in the morning landed in Guadalajara for an eight hour lay over. During this time a couple came and sat across from us. We didn't think much of it until person after person kept asking to take their picture with the gentleman. Finally after much curiosity Jessica asked, "Who are you?" He replied "I am a Goalie for a big soccer team, the Chivas." We conversed a little and decided to get our picture taken with him since everyone else was doing it. They thought it was funny, then they asked where we were from and we shared with them what we are doing in La Paz. Luis Michel and his wife went on their way. We pray God would bring them across our path again somehow or at least bring us across their mind. We pray blessings over them.
The rest of the trip has been incredible! We were welcomed in by four couples from the church who bought us an anniversary cake, which we were very grateful for. They each went around the table and shared their joy with us being here. We've been getting hungry to learn more Spanish to knock out the language barrier. So as soon as we get back we'll be cramming.
Pray for us, tomorrow we'll be going into the public places looking for people to encounter God. We hope to have many more stories to share as we bring the love of God to the people here in La Paz.
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