It's easy to feel guilty when doing missions work on white sandy beaches with the most crystal blue gradient sea expanding out to the horizon. This would be heaven on earth if it weren't for the surrounding desert land. God is so clever in his design of the earth, we got to dwell in this beauty over the past week while getting to know some of the most incredible people on the earth. While it could have been easily mistaken for a vacation we were enveloped in gaining vision and strategy to bring God's kingdom to Mexico. Where do we start? How can we best assist the team? What will be our role? How do we fit into this huge puzzle?
On this trip I was reminded of a few years ago, it seemed that every time I would see any video to do with missions I would get all choked up and teary eyed. I had no clue that God was resonating something inside that had been long overlooked. In 2007 I attended a Jesus Culture where Lou Engle was speaking and his words shook me to the core and awakened purpose. He said,
"Pay close attention to your tears, for they point you to your destiny."My eyes had been opened to the clues that had been there all along. The first clue I remember was during "The Passion of the Christ." I broke when Jesus, soon after the scourging, turned and looked at his mother and said, "see mother, I make all things new." Tears flowed like a river. It was God putting me in tune with his harmony of redemption. I was being led to my call...National Transformation. God began to awaken hope. Not just for my future but the future of the earth. This place wasn't meant to go to hell in a hand basket. He put us here in glory and that is what He's taking us back to. This is redemption, this is reconciliation, this is all things NEW!!! Bringing restoration is not so difficult after you realize that it's what God intended to do all along. We simply have to come into agreement with what He is doing. Just as Jesus only did what He saw the Father do.
Bringing the kingdom is more than salvation, it includes deliverance from bondage, it involves healing diseases or (dis-EASE). It does not tolerate the earth suffering from sin, because the price was paid on the cross. We are the sons of God that are to ensure the justice of the cross is being enforced.
"The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.
We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies." Romans 8:19-23
We've begun some of the foundational relationship building that is essential for the work that lies ahead. We did get to see where we're going to live and better prepare ourselves for the big move, doing mental inventory of what we'll be able to fit in the van vs. the things we'll have to sell. The anticipation grows daily as we prepare ourselves for this leap. We are even more excited after having tasted of the plans that God has in store for Mexico. I can feel my brain expanding for a second language, and I'm shocked how I can retain language when my livelihood depends on it, but nearly flunk it in college. We also heard a lot of the drawbacks to La Paz. The brutal heat/humidity, hurricanes, extreme mosquito/gnat pestilence etc. All of which come around the same time of the year. Having counted all these costs our hearts are still in motion and we continue to anxiously await September 1st.